The Nature Channel Live
It was still way too cold for swimming, but we enjoyed some hiking in the woods and just watching "The Nature Channel" from outside on the deck.
There is a small island in the middle of the lake directly in front of the lodge, where a loon is currently nesting. It also has several large rocks which are prime sunning spots for the big turtles.
Here is what the lodge looks like from the lake. I took this shot from the canoe, and in the spirit of full disclosure I have to confess that all these photos were taken with a $5.99 disposable camera. I almost lost a $250 digital camera here on Memorial Day weekend of 2003. We were way out in the middle of the lake when a wicked north wind blew in and we nearly got swamped, so I wasn't taking any chances this year!
Everyone who uses this place is asked to chip in and help with the upkeep. The people before us took care of restocking the woodpile, so we tackled the boathouse and swept out a winter's worth of dead bugs. Now it's all cleaned up and reorganized in the finest Feng Shui tradition!
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