Thursday, April 26, 2007

Road Tripping!

Having Army buddies all over the country and the world means always having a free couch to sleep on no matter where you end up in your travels! My boss was gone to a conference last week so I had the chance to take a few days off and hit the road.

I wanted to go to Louisville to visit Fred and Jaclyn because I have to miss their wedding next month. (I'll be off on another trip that required a substantial non-refundable deposit, which I had already made before they set their wedding date. Bummer!) Fortunately Jaclyn understands Fred's sense of humor, because if you know Fred you KNOW that we couldn't pass this ice cream stand without turning it into a photo op!

Fred was my right-hand man in Iraq, and some of his blog posts from during our tour are included in the recently-released book "The Blog of War."

As his former editor, I have to brag him up a little because I'm just so darn proud of him!

I also want to say thanks again and send a Happy Birthday shout-out to Teresa, another old Army buddy in Indianapolis who let me crash on her couch one night during this trip too!

Thunder Over Louisville

What a weekend to be in Louisville! Last Saturday was the big kickoff to the Kentucky Derby season and it was one big party all along the riverfront. The highlight for me was the fireworks though. I must have shot a hundred photos, and I wasn't even using a tripod so I was amazed that so many turned out. Here are just a few of my favorites .....

For Puzzle Lovers .....

I'm trying something new here by making a puzzle out of one of my favorite pics of the old buildings in downtown Louisville. Just click on the pic and it will come up as a puzzle. This is a new feature on Jigzone, a web site where I waste entirely too much time when I should be updating my blogs!

Click to Mix and Solve